Dota210月31日更新了什么内容主要内容有:掉落的修改以及战斗加成的修改,还有一个新珍藏和很多新套装+HUD+信使+WARD官方更新内容(后面上大略翻译):The current item drop system doesn*t function well as a reward mechanism. It drops many items on players who aren*t interested in them (the items are extremely common, or they*re for a hero the player doesn*t play), and in the process dilutes the value of the items. We*d like to get to a place where dramatically fewer uninteresting items enter the economy. We don*t have a complete solution yet, so we*re going to move forward step by step, taking feedback from you as we go.Item drops are now entirely time based instead of level based. Drop list now includes full sets, treasures, bundles and Arcanas at a rare rate instead of frequently dropping common itemsBattle boosters have been removed from the game entirely (we actually removed them from the store in September). Players with an active battle booster will receive a free Treasure of the Rotted Gallows. Players who had an unused purchased battle booster in their armory will receive a free Treasure Redemption Token.A new treasure, the "Treasure of the Rotted Gallows" has been added to the game.Treasure Redemption Tokens and other items that can be redeemed for treasures can select this new treasure.International 2013 Treasure Keys may now be redeemed for treasures.The items in this treasure can be traded/marketed in 3 months (February 1, 2015).The rare rewards from this treasure are not subject to the trade or marketing restriction.DOTA210月31日有什么内容更新大略翻译下:掉落的机制又改了,现在已经可以掉落套装,珍藏,捆绑包和至宝。而不是原来的普通单件(V社良心)现在战斗加成已经从商场里移除,如果你使用了战斗加成现在可以获得一个Treasure of the Rotted Gallows(箱子),如果你的库存内有战斗加成就可以获得Treasure Redemption Token(能换箱子的)新的珍藏(腐化之梁的珍藏):可以开到的套装:发条的:大树第一个套装-。-小黑的CK的:斯文的(这套貌似去年就在创意工坊了吧):LION:隐刺的(可以不点被动):额外掉落:守卫(眼)额外掉落:信使+守卫+2个载入XMG队长征兆联赛2.0(售价:8美刀)赠送巫妖套装,米拉娜坐骑,特殊聊天表情,HUD和载入界面巫妖套装:表情:pom坐骑+载入(蓝色年兽-。-)载入+HUD执剑泰斗(剑圣传说套!)剑圣传说套的10.0% 的门票收入会进入联赛的总奖金(售价11美刀)套装预览:现在很多珍藏都已经从商城内移除:Treasure of Sinister ArcaneryTreasure of the Cloven WorldTreasure of the Cosmic AbyssTreasure of the Bottled CloudTreasure of the Diligent ArtisanTreasure of the Silver StormTreasure of the Shattered HourglassTreasure of the Sunken MaidenTreasure of Dark ImplementsTreasure of the Forbidden LotusTreasure of Crystalline ChaosTreasure of the Cursed WoodTreasure of the Shaper DivineTreasure of the Malignant AmanitaTreasure of Incandescent WaxTreasure of Rubiline SheenTreasure of the Emerald PolycountTreasure of Earth EssenceTreasure of Ember EssenceTreasure of Vermilion RenewalTreasure of Dire ArmsTreasure of Radiant Arms现在这些钩子的粒子特效已被修复,都添加了骨链
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